Past Exhibitions: Lancaster Museum of Art
Michael Abel, Art Aglow, 2024
Art Aglow
November 22 - December 22, 2024
Art Aglow is a year-end exhibit at the Lancaster Museum of Art featuring original artwork by local artists in celebration of the holiday season and our creative community! Join us for a festive month of art, special events, and holiday shopping at the Art Aglow Gift Shop.
Jon McMillan, Tea Scale
Strictly Functional Pottery National
September 28 - November 9, 2024
Since its founding in 1993, Strictly Functional Pottery National (SFPN) has been recognized as one of the top ceramic exhibitions in the country. The first of its kind, SFPN provides an opportunity for functional pots to receive a much deserved spotlight. Every year, SFPN proudly features some of the most talented ceramic artists from across the United States.
Catherine O’Neill, Dad’s View
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 45th Annual International Juried Exhibition
August 3 - September 15, 2024
The Pennsylvania Watercolor Society is a non-profit organization that was founded in March of 1979 by twelve watercolor artists who sought to create an association that would support and advance the watercolor medium for artists while promoting the beauty and appeal of watercolor to the public.
This year’s exhibition jurors include the Juror of Selection, Catherine O’Neill, AWS, NWS, and the Juror of Awards, Mick McAndrews, PWS (SGG), PWCS (CA), BWS.
Skye Terry, Weird Fishes, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 62nd Annual Community Art Exhibition 1st Place Winner
62nd Annual Community Art Exhibition
June 15 - July 21, 2024
The annual Community Art Exhibition celebrates the vast amount of artistic talent found throughout Lancaster County. Artworks by local artists are eligible for First, Second, and Third Place Awards, and the People’s Choice Award. Thank you to this year's awards juror, Matthew Clay-Robison!
The exhibition is open to all artists 16 years of age or older who reside or work in Lancaster County. More than 115 local artists are on view in this year’s exhibition.
Amos Lemon Burkhart, Maneater, 2016
Stay alive / Make Art / Lancaster
May 4 - June 9, 2024
Featuring the artwork of Berks County native Amos Lemon Burkhart, Stay Alive / Make Art is an interactive traveling exhibition that addresses adolescent mental health issues. Lemon Burkhart was a young artist who died as a result of drugs and alcohol in 2018. His multilayered, neon-colored works, dense with images and words paint a picture of his turbulent inner life.
Florence Starr Taylor, Barnyard Scene, 1972, gift courtesy of Mildred H. McQueen
Selections from the Collection: Reflections of Lancaster
April 13 - June 9, 2024
The people, places, and things that make up Lancaster's rich culture and heritage are highlighted through this special exhibit of 35+ works from the Lancaster Museum of Art's permanent collection. The paintings, photographs, and drawings featured examine the past and present agriculture, architecture, and community of our County.
Lahari Gandlur (Grade 11, Donegal High School), Drowning Roses, painting, Scholastic Gold Key & American Visions Nominee
Scholastic Art Awards Virtual Exhibition
April 12 - May 31, 2024
The Scholastic Art Awards is the first level of a national art competition, open to students grades 7 through 12. Exceptional works of art are submitted by students to be judged first at the regional level here in Lancaster, with the winning works moving on to the national competition.
Due to an unexpected delay in the Scholastics National submissions timeline this year, we were unfortunately unable to display these works in-person, but are excited to share them with you online. Congratulations and thank you to all of this year's participating students and teachers!
Lancaster County Young Artists
March 9 - April 7, 2024
Lancaster County Young Artists is a regional competition that is open to any student, grades 7 through 12, attending school in a participating district or homeschooled. Categories include Apparel, Ceramics & Glass, Computer Art, Drawing, Fibers, Graphic Design, Jewelry & Metals, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Portfolio, Printmaking and Sculpture.
Ron Ettelman, Studio Shots (Series) Chance Factory, collage
Visions From the World of Ron Ettelman
January 13 - February 25, 2024
This retrospective exhibit of artist Ron Ettelman's collage and assemblage pieces will offer a look into his process and approach to divining from within and turning ordinary found objects into playful, satirical, and provocative works.
Left - Aubrey Maurer, Crown of Thorns, ceramic (red clay, low fire, cone 6 with glaze), 2023; Right - Callie Morton, At Ease, 2023, oil on canvas
Lancaster’s Latest: Rising Artist Spotlight Featuring Aubrey Maurer & Callie Morton
January 13 - February 25, 2024
An emerging artist exhibit showcasing both paintings and ceramics by recent Pennsylvania College of Art & Design graduates Aubrey Maurer and Callie Morton.
Our Lancaster’s Latest exhibition series is held in memory of artist Michael Tymon (1984-2019), whose work inspired many.